Wednesday, March 28, 2007

steps in drupal multisite

sudo vi /etc/hosts
sudo vi /etc/hosts
sudo cp /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/azhikkodu
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/azhikkodu
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/azhikkodu
412 vi /etc/hosts
413 sudo vi /etc/hosts
414 sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/azhikkodu
415 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
416 ls
417 pwd
418 vi settings.php
419 cd ..
420 mkdir azhikkodu
421 cp azhikkodu/
422 cd azhikkodu/
423 vi settings.php
424 ln -s themes ../../themes/
425 ls -l
426 cd ..
427 ls
428 ln -s themes ../../themes/
429 ln -s themes ../themes/
430 ls
431 cd azhikkodu/
432 ls
433 cp ../../themes/ .
434 cp ../../themes/ . -r
435 cp ../../modules/ .
436 cp ../../modules/ . -r
437 vi settings.php
438 ls
439 cd ..
440 ls
441 cd azhikkodu/
442 s
443 ls
444 cd themes/
445 ls
446 cd ..
447 cd ..
448 ls
449 cd ..
450 ls
451 cd themes/
452 ls
453 ls
454 cd ..
455 ls
456 less INSTALL.
457 less INSTALL.txt
458 ls
459 cd sites/
460 ls
461 mv azhikkodu/
462 less ../INSTALL.txt
463 vi
464 sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/azhikkodu
465 sudo vi /etc/hosts
466 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
467 vi
468 vi default/settings.php
469 vi
470 mysql
471 mysql cms -u root
472 vi default/settings.php
473 vi
474 vi
475 mysql cms -u root
476 vi
477 sudo bash
478 vi /etc/hosts
479 vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/azhikkodu
480 cd /home/space/public_html/drupal/sites/



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Drupal multisite

setting up virtual host
cp /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
        ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

        DocumentRoot /home/space/public_html/drupal

Edit Document root  in the file
Edit $base_url
Edit /etc/host file

default page redirection in apache

   # changing apache2-default  itworks!

Friday, March 09, 2007

.htaccess file

ErrorDocument 404 /a.html
#Options -Indexes  # do not list files
#deny from    #deny  access from ip can use deny from all
#DirectoryIndex a.html
RewriteEngine On
Redirect /in.html


Let's use an example with videos in particular. Don't worry about audio/music files. The procedure is the same!
First we setup a "video folder" that we store all our videos inside our Joomla! website. By default this folder is called "videos" and resides within images/stories. So the full path to this folder would be images/stories/videos.Say you uploaded 2 videos called trip_to_paris.flv and mariasparty.wmv. You open up a new or existing content item and simply add {flv}trip_to_paris{/flv} and {wmv}mariasparty{/wmv}!! Couldn't be more simple, right?

Let's have a look at what we did here. We have 2 video files, one is flv type, the other is wmv. We added each video to our content by inserting a "mambot string" of this form:


Notice that we did not include the "video" folder in the mambot strings in the examples above, cause this is already set from the plugin's parameters (on the right of this page). But what do you do when you want to categorize videos into subfolders, within the "master" video folder? Say we wanted to have 2 subfolders on the previous example, "holidays" and "fun", on which we would put trip_to_paris.flv and mariasparty.wmv respectively. Then the mambot strings inserted into our content items would simply be of this form:


So the above files would be inserted with the strings:

{flv}holidays/trip_to_paris{/flv} and {wmv}fun/mariasparty{/wmv}
When embedding files on our own server, like FLVs or MP3s, we never use the file extension (like .flv or .mp3 respectively) in the AllVideos bot strings! So we just use the filename alone!

See how easy it is?
If the case was with audio/music files, we would use something like {mp3}nadasurf-popular{/mp3} or {wma}marilyn_manson_idontlikethedrugs(butthedrugslikeme){/wma}.

Imagine now that people usually stick to one format when "playing around" with videos (or audio), so it's easy for you to train others (= your customers or friends!) to easily insert video or audio content inside Joomla! content items.
Please note that when you want to stream files hosted on other servers than yours, you must use a bot string like {wmvremote}{/wmvremote} or {mp3remote}{/mp3remote}. You simply add "remote" after the filetype and use full paths -links- to the files hosted on other servers (including file extensions). Simple, right?

Monday, March 05, 2007

make iso frm a folder

mkisofs -r -o filename.iso folder_ name_to_create_iso